Privacy Policy

The Drinks Association (‘we’ or ‘us’ or “our”) recognises that your privacy is very important to you and we are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read this privacy policy carefully, as it will help you make informed decisions about sharing your personal information with us. By accessing our websites, receiving our publication or obtaining any other service from us, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by it. When we refer to our website and publications in this Privacy Policy, we are referring to our website and publications that we have authorised, including those listed in Schedule A. These may be updated from time to time.

Collection of personal information

The Drinks Association collects both personal information and anonymous information. The personal information we collect may include your name, address, email address and telephone number. We collect personal information about you and your interactions with us, for example when you:

  • purchase an item from us;
  • visit and use our websites;
  • subscribe to or receive one of our publications;
  • contact us;
  • receive any other type of service from us;
  • express interest in working for us.

The Drinks Association also collects information based on your use of our services. Your web browser automatically provides us with the type of browser you are using, when you visited The Drinks Association, your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, etc.), the address of the website that directed you here, your server’s IP address and which pages you viewed.

We will not combine information collected from your browser or device with personal information you have submitted without your prior consent. We only use this information for statistical and internal purposes including improving the functionality of The Drinks Association’s websites for our users.

From time to time, The Drinks Association will invite you to participate in surveys. These surveys are designed to ensure that our products and services as relevant to you as possible. The Drinks Association will always advise if the survey is anonymous or if your participation will be linked to you in any way.

You can always choose not to provide your personal information to us, but it may mean that we cannot provide you with all of our services, or services of the same quality.

What do we do when we get information we didn’t ask for?

Where we receive unsolicited personal information about you, we will check whether that information is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities. If it is, we’ll handle this information the same way we do with other information we obtain directly from you. If not, we’ll ensure we do the right thing and destroy or de-identify it.

Why we Collect, Hold and Use of personal information

The Drinks Association will collect, hold and use personal information provided for our primary purposes and secondary purposes. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you consent to The Drinks Association collecting, holding and using your personal information for the following:

Primary purposes

As an industry Association we collect your information to connect with you, and to support you in connecting with other industry bodies and members. In that regard we use your information to:

1. Provide you with products and services you have ordered, or contacting you in relation to these orders

2. Answer direct enquiries

3. Inform you of new products which may be of interest to you

4. Send you news, content and advertising (via EDM, hardcopy or otherwise). Without limiting this purpose we may send you publications like the Weekly Drinks Trade news and monthly Drinks Association news, and such other information and publications that we believe may be of interest to you as a member of the Association.

5. Provide your information to media partners who administer our programs, events, social media and electronic communications.

6. Issue you with invitations to events and webinars run by us, or run by other members of the Drinks Association.

7. Provide customer service

8. Comply with legal obligations where necessary

9. Allowing us (and third parties we engage) to run our business and perform administrative and operational tasks, such as:

a. training staff

b. running advertising and educational programs

c. developing and marketing products and services;

d. risk management;

e. systems development and testing, including our websites and other online channels;

f. undertaking planning, research and statistical analysis;

Secondary purposes

1. Billing and account management

2. Improving our products, services and websites

3. Improving our marketing and promotional efforts

4. Improving the accuracy of the personal information we hold

We may also use your personal information to get a better understanding of your needs. Unless you tell us otherwise, we may use this information to bring you products and services which we believe will benefit you and your business. Upon receiving new products and services for the first time, you will be given the option to opt-out immediately from receiving future offerings of the item in question.

Disclosure of personal information

We will disclose the personal information you have provided to us only if it is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the purpose for which your personal information was collected pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

We will not otherwise disclose your personal information to a third party unless you have provided your express consent. However, you should be aware that we may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent in order to comply with any court orders, subpoenas, or other legal process or investigation including by tax authorities, if such disclosure is required by law. Where possible and appropriate, we will notify you if we are required by law to disclose.

Sponsored events

A: The Drinks Association also hosts on its sites papers and reports which are produced, distributed or sponsored by third parties. In ordering third party content made available through The Drinks Association network, you are providing permission for The Drinks Association to provide your personal information to the sponsor or third party to ensure your order can be fulfilled. The Drinks Association will clearly indicate any third party or sponsored items listed all drinks association sites.

B: The Drinks Association my receive requests from sponsors to provide personal details of attendees at the relevant event for the purpose of the sponsor directly contacting the member. If the registration form for the event indicates that you have consented to the use of your information in this way, we will disclose your personal information to the sponsor.

Other than in circumstances such as these, The Drinks Association will not disclose personal information provided, such as name, address, email address or telephone number, to any organisation or person outside The Drinks Association unless the provider has authorised The Drinks Association to do so.

Storage of personal information

All data that we collect, including personal and non-personal information, is transferred to our servers. Generally, The Drinks Association uses systems to hold this data which are located within Australia. However, from time to time your information may be accessed by contractors, or stored on servers, located overseas. We may also exchange your information with third parties to whom we outsource certain functions of storing information, such as data quality management and technical improvements to our databases.

Where your information is sent overseas, it is likely to be one of the following countries:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Canada

When your information is sent overseas, The Drinks Association will take appropriate steps to ensure data handling and security arrangements are in place in line with Australian privacy legislation, or the party to whom the information is released is subject to more stringent privacy terms than Australia (eg GDPR).

How we protect your personal information

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information and we take all reasonable precautions to protect it from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Your personal information is stored on secure servers that have SSL Certificates issued by leading certificate authorities, and all data transferred between you and our service is encrypted.

We will not retain any of your personal information for any longer than needed for authorised purposes, and we will take all reasonable steps to delete, destroy or de-identify this personal information. This will apply unless we are required, under Australian law, to retain the personal information for a specific period of time. Generally, we will not retain personal information for longer than 7 years from when the members has ceased to be a member of the Association

However, the Internet is not in itself a secure environment and we cannot give an absolute assurance that your information will be secure at all times. Transmission of personal information over the Internet is at your own risk and you should only enter, or instruct the entering of, personal information within a secure environment.

We encourage you to play an important role in keeping your personal information secure, by maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords and account details used on our websites. It is your sole responsibility to maintain such confidentiality and The Drinks Association will not be liable for any damage, loss or expense suffered because a password or account details has fallen into the wrong hands.

Direct Marketing

You consent to The Drinks Association using and/or disclosing any personal information collected from you for direct marketing purposes, whether collected via telephone, the Website, or otherwise, but subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. This applies to products and service of the Associations, and products and services of members for whom we have agreed to advertise.

Unless otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), The Drinks Association retains the right to use and disclose your personal information for direct marketing purposes:

1. that has been collected from you in circumstances where:

a. you have provided consent to do so; or

b. it is within your reasonable expectations; or

c. where it is impracticable to obtain your consent;

2. that has been collected from any third party in circumstances where:

a. you have provided consent to do so; or

b. it is impracticable to obtain your consent.

In each direct marketing communication, we will include:

1. a statement appearing on the relevant piece of marketing material notifying you of your right to opt out from further direct marketing communications; and

2. a simple means for you to opt out of receiving further direct marketing communications of that kind.

Should you choose to opt out, we will stop using your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

We will not use your sensitive information for direct marketing purposes.

Should you choose to opt out, we will stop using your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

The Drinks Association will not use your sensitive information for direct marketing purposes.

Anonymous information

The Drinks Association may use anonymous information collected from you for internal purposes including improving our products and services.

Some anonymous demographic information may be provided to advertisers so they can assess whether they wish to participate in advertising or this information may play a role in the design of their advertisements for the website. All information disclosed in these circumstances will be stripped entirely of all personal information. Your personal information will not be disclosed.

Links to other websites

The Drinks Association provides links to other websites when we consider you may be interested in the content on those sites. This in no way constitutes an endorsement of those sites or their content and The Drinks Association has no control over the conduct of the companies or organisations operating those sites. Before you disclose any personal information to such a site, we advise you to check its terms and conditions, including its privacy and security policies. This includes social media sites like Facebook, X and similar sites, as well as proprietary sites owned by third parties.

The Drinks Association’s use of “cookies”

The Drinks Association uses cookies to manage user access and subscriptions. A cookie is a small text file that a server places on your hard drive to identify that subsequent requests to a site have come from the same user. The Drinks Association uses cookies to ‘remember’ your browser between page visits.

Cookies are pieces of information that a website can transfer to an individual’s computer hard drive for tracking user navigation and customising site information to further improve the user experience. Cookies can make using The Drinks Association website easier, for example by storing information about your preferences on a particular website. The use of cookies is an industry standard and you’ll find most major websites use them.

Google’s collection of information

The Drinks Association uses Google Analytics. This program utilises a cookie that collects anonymous traffic data.

Accessing your information

You can request the personal information we hold about you by contacting us by one of the methods listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. There is no fee for making such requests and we will endeavour to make your information available within 28 days of the initial request. The Drinks Association reserves the right to confirm your identity before providing you with this information.

The Drinks Association takes reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect and use is complete, relevant and up -to-date. However, the accuracy of the personal information we receive depends to a large extent on the information you provide.

We will do our best to keep personal information accurate, complete and up to date. If you become aware of any inaccuracy in the personal information we hold about you, please contact us using one of the methods listed at the end of this Privacy Policy to have this personal information updated.

Making a complaint

If you have a concern about your privacy, you have a right to make a complaint and we’ll do everything we can to put matters right.

To lodge a complaint, please get in touch with us using the contact details provided below. The Drinks Association will review your complaint and endeavour to resolve it immediately.

We acknowledge every complaint we receive and provide contact details of the investigating officer. We keep you updated on the progress we’re making towards resolving your issue.

Usually, it takes only a few days to resolve a complaint. However, if we’re unable to provide a final response within 30 days, we’ll contact you to explain why and discuss a timeframe to resolve the complaint.

If your complaint is not resolved you may also lodge a claim with the Australian Information Commissioner.


We may change this Privacy Policy at any time, and any amended version is effective upon posting to our Website. We will communicate any significant changes to you via email or other notification. Your continued use of the Website, Publications or any other service will be deemed acceptance of any amended Privacy Policy.


We recognise and acknowledge the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). While it is unlikely that we need to be GDPR compliant, we are committed to providing a consistent approach to data protection and ensuring the security and protection of personal Information.

Data breaches

We are aware of and will comply with the Mandatory Data Breach reporting obligations as set out in the Privacy Act. Please let us know if you would like to learn more about what steps must be taken when a data breach has been identified.

Credit card payments

If you choose to make a payment to us by credit card, your credit card details will not be stored by us. Your credit card details will be handled by us in accordance with our obligations under the applicable Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

Contacting The Drinks Association

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to this privacy policy, please contact us on:

02 9415 1199 between 9am and 5pm EST Monday to Friday; or

Via email at

In writing, to:


The Drinks Association

Locked Bag 4100, Chatswood 2067

and Summary